Great News from Gala-Rama (Goes Virtual!)

Great News from Gala-Rama (Goes Virtual!)

We did it! Thanks to generous participation from the Brookline High School community, we raised $98,000 of our $100,000 goal for Gala-Rama (Goes Virtual!). This support for academic innovation is truly inspiring, and the volunteers of the BHS Innovation Fund are grateful for the partnership of parents and caregivers, faculty and leadership, and business and individual sponsors and donors.


The Gala-Rama Steering Committee
Polly Ross Ribatt, Mary Beth Landrum, and Louise Shah

Event Committee
Live Host: Stacey Irwin Downey
Committee Members: Steve Davis, Chris Noe, Michele Rozen, Elizabeth Schlosberg, Bonnie Sherman, Olga St. Clair; Lara Szent-Gyorgyi, Stacey Zelbow

Event Speakers: BHS Faculty and Leadership*
Marika Alibhai, John Andrews, Tyler Brown, Adam Fried, Roger Grande,
Kate Leslie, Aubrey Love, Andrew Maglathlin, Julia Mangan, Hal Mason, Stephanie McAllister Poon, Anthony Meyer, Thato Mwosa, Josh Paris, Christine Shen, Brit Stevens, Jennifer Spencer, Jenee Uttaro, Eli Williams, Ed Wiser
*See all BHS Innovation Fund Faculty Grant Recipients here

Event Speakers: BHS Community Members and Partners
Betty Bagnani, Steve Davis, Maureen Fallon, Emma Finkelstein, Marc Foster, Andy Jonic, Raiya Kahn, Masu Haque-Kahn, Sam Lasky, Ben Stern, Reid Stern


Individual Event Donors are listed in our post-event email appreciation

Annual Sponsors here

Watch the event here:


Your Support for BHS Teachers Matters Now

This winter, the BHS Innovation Fund is raising $50,000 to support the next phase of our COVID-19 Teaching & Learning Response Grant program in 2021. We can respond to these kinds of emergency requests from our school leadership and teachers thanks to your continued financial support. We are so grateful to those who have donated to the Fund in the past and recognize the value of investing in public education.

The next phase of grants will be used to support teachers as they continue to provide a positive and successful remote/hybrid learning experience for students at BHS.

The first new grant provides funding for faculty to augment and enhance the BHS Remote Learning Toolbox Website, a teacher-created online resource designed to help staff educate students effectively in a remote classroom environment, and to identify additional innovative pedagogical tools and ideas in response to the changing academic environment and shift to a remote/hybrid classroom. The Toolbox was a direct outcome from our initial COVID Response Grant, and has quickly become an invaluable resource for teachers. It will be a critical asset moving forward.

The second grant will support individual faculty with innovative ideas that will contribute to their individual teaching and will be shared with colleagues across BHS.

By contributing to the BHS Innovation Fund, you are supporting our teachers as they continue to deliver a BHS education that fosters flexibility, resilience, curiosity and inspiration in the classroom. Your support is so meaningful, especially right now when creative and thoughtful approaches in education matter. We hope you will consider making a contribution this year.

A donation in any amount makes a difference and demonstrates your commitment to academic innovation at BHS. Please help the BHS Innovation Fund respond to teachers’ needs by donating now to help us fund the next immediate phase of our COVID-19 Teaching and Learning Response Grant. Thank you!



  • 617-713-5201
  • 115 Greenough St Brookline, MA 02445
