GALA-RAMA (Goes Virtual!) March 31, 2021

Missed it live? Watch it here!



Thanks to the generosity of our donors, our online event enabled the BHS Innovation Fund to: INVEST in creative ways of teaching and learning; INSPIRE our children and future leaders; and IMPACT the academic environment for all students. Together we are building a culture of academic innovation!


Congratulations to Door Prize Winners Natasha Goldman Homann, Melissa Hale Woodman, and Jin Suk


Take our Attendee Survey here


Thank you to our Event Committee and Partners: GalaRama Steering Committee (Polly Ross Ribatt, Mary Beth Landrum, and Louise Shah); Live Host (Stacey Downey); Committee Members (Steve Davis, Chris Noe, Michele Rozen, Elizabeth Schlosberg, Bonnie Sherman, Olga St. Clair; Lara Szent-Gyorgyi, Stacey Zelbow); Siagel Productions, SH Events, and William Rawn Associates Architects


Thank you to our Speakers (BHS Faculty and Leadership): Marika Alibhai, John Andrews, Tyler Brown, Adam Fried, Roger Grande, Kate Leslie, Aubrey Love, Andrew Maglathlin, Julia Mangan, Hal Mason, Stephanie McAllister Poon, Anthony Meyer, Thato Mwosa, Josh Paris, Christine Shen, Brit Stevens, Jennifer Spencer, Jenee Uttaro, Eli Williams, Ed Wiser; and BHS Community Members and Partners: Maureen Fallon, Betty Bagnani, Raiya Kahn, Masu Haque-Kahn, Steve Davis, Emma Finkelstein, Sam Lasky, Andy Jonic, Ben Stern, Reid Stern, Marc Foster


Thank you for supporting academic innovation at BHS!



  • 617-713-5201
  • 115 Greenough St Brookline, MA 02445
