Parents and Community Members are Welcome to Get Involved

The BHS Innovation Fund provides funding for the faculty to explore and develop unique initiatives that enrich the culture at BHS. There are many ways to support the Fund and its mission, including participating in community outreach efforts, serving on various committees directly leading to Innovation Fund program investments, and providing critical financial support. To learn more about any of these opportunities, please contact Fund Director Stacey Zelbow at 617-713-5201 or JOIN OUR MAILING LIST!

Volunteer at an Event or on a Committee


The BHS Innovation Fund operates with a very small staff and an extensive network of volunteers who are committed to both its mission and to Brookline High School. In addition to the Boards of Directors and Advisors, volunteers play a critical role in helping to move the work of the organization forward. Volunteers help with large events like the Gala-Rama, our annual social event and fundraiser, as well as smaller outreach events for distinct audiences, and special events. There are many ways to get involved depending on your availability.


Serve on a Board

We are always looking for people to become actively involved in the leadership and operations of the Innovation Fund through our Board of Directors and Board of Advisors. The BHS Innovation Fund is governed by an all-volunteer Board of Directors. The board is responsible for the strategic direction of the Innovation Fund, including: the effective oversight of the Innovation Fund’s program development and evaluation; budgeting and fundraising; and the overall operation and good health of the organization. Board members include BHS parents/caregivers, alumni and parents of alumni, and members of the Brookline community. Our Board of Advisors plans and coordinates Fund communications, outreach and recruitment activities, as well as fundraising and community events. Advisors also serve as the Fund’s ambassadors to the BHS community, and help our supporters connect with our mission. Learn more about joining a board by contacting Fund Director Stacey Zelbow at 617-713-5201 or


Head of School

Throughout the academic year, the Innovation Fund hosts Coffee with the Head of School. These informal gatherings are a chance to meet directly with the leadership of both BHS and the Fund and learn how the two work collaboratively. Parents are invited to join an event to learn more about the programs and ways to get involved, and hear directly from funded faculty members about their programs.


The BHS Innovation Fund is a 501(c)(3) organization and 100% supported by private contributions from parents, alumni, local businesses, and the community at large. You can make a difference in the lives of BHS students and teachers by making a financial contribution. Every dollar counts! Learn about donation options and see the impact of your generosity.

Why should you volunteer with the Fund?

Parent volunteerism can help enrich a school’s educational environment and create a stronger sense of community for everyone, from families to faculty.

“When my oldest daughter entered BHS, I knew I wanted to contribute some of my time and efforts to BHS in a way that would allow me to get to know engaged parents and educators at the school.  Enter the BHS Innovation Fund… the work that the Board of Directors and the Board of Advisors undertakes is engaging, focused, and flexible in the time commitment. It creates a positive and lasting impact on the BHS student and teacher community. I have also met some dynamic parents and BHS community members who have made BHS a more known, more welcoming place for both me and my family.”


~ Masu Haque-Khan, BHS Parent, Fund Director; Member, Nominating Committee




  • 617-713-5201
  • 115 Greenough St Brookline, MA 02445
